Name        : Halfan Fari Fadhilah 
Class          : XI MIPA 5 
Absent no : 21 
Jimmy : Hello John.
John : Oh Hi Jimmy, haven’t seen you in a while, what’s up?
Jimmy : Nothing much. How about you?
John : Same, these days Im just staying at home to help stop the spread of the virus, I really miss  going to school and learning with everyone.
Jimmy : Yeah, I really miss school aswell. Have you been studying properly at home?
John : About that. I feel like studying at home its not working for me.
Jimmy : What do you mean?
John : I don’t know. Maybe it’s the environment, maybe it’s the distractions, or maybe I just need someone to study with me.
Jimmy : Then do you want to study together?
John : Jimmy, we cant go outside. We cant just meet like that, do you want to get infected by the virus?
Jimmy : John, we are not living in the 80’s, its 2020 we can just use our phone to call each other.
John : Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Jimmy : So what subject do you want to learn with me?
John : Everything.
Jimmy : Ok then, I guess we are going to study together every night for the whole quarantine.
John : At what time?
Jimmy : Maybe after isya?
John : Yeah that sounds good, I can do that.
Jimmy : Okay see you then!
John : See you!


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